Born Bone Born (洗骨)
(TERUYA Toshiyuki / 2018 / 111 min / P13)

The Shinjo family live in Aguni Village on Auguni island, a remote island of Okinawa. The eldest son Tsuyoshi Shinjo returns to his hometown on Aguni Shima to senkotsu or “wash the bones” of his mother Emiko. Back home, his father Nobutsuna Shinjo lives by himself. His life is in a mess, and he has started to drink secretly after supposed to have stopped due to his wife’s death. Also returning home is eldest daughter Yuko who works as a hairdresser in Nagoya and is also facing various hardships in life herself. Will the “senkotsu” ceremony helps the family members face themselves and unite?
Cast: OKUDA Eiji, TSUTSUI Michitaka, MISAKI Ayame
Director & Screenplay: TERUYA Toshiyuki
Cinematographer: IMAI Takahiro
Lighting: TORIKOSHI Hirofumi
Music: SAHARA Kazuya
Date: 17 June 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30 AM & 1:00 PM (Registration starts at 9:00 AM on 10 June 2023)
Venue: GSC NU Sentral, Kuala Lumpur (Level 5, NU Sentral)
Admission/Bookings: FREE admission. Prior booking is REQUIRED via Eventbrite. (Please proceed below for details.)
LIMITED TO 1 BOOKING PER PERSON ONLY. Screening in Japanese with English subtitles.
- Visit
- Search “The Weekend Japanese Film Show (June 2023)”
- Click “REGISTER”
- Insert no. of pax (max 2 pax per person)
- Click “CHECKOUT” and fill up your information
- Click “COMPLETE REGISTRATION” and e-tickets will be sent to your email.
- Ticket bookings will start on 10 June 2023 (Saturday) at 9:00 AM.
- Please print your tickets or save it in your mobile and bring it to the registration counter during the screening day as proof of booking.
Step 1: Register here.
ステップ1: こちらのリンクをクリックしてください: The Weekend Japanese Film Show (June 2023)
Step 2: You will be redirected to the official Eventbrite page. Click on ‘REGISTER’.
ステップ2: Eventbriteのページにジャンプします。「REGISTER」をクリックして下さい。
Step 3: Fill up the form and click on ‘COMPLETE REGISTRATION’.
ステップ3: フォームに必要事項を記入し、「COMPLETE REGISTRATION」をクリックしてください。
Step 4: An e-ticket will be sent to you via email. Please bring this e-ticket with you on the day of the screening. You can print out the e-ticket or show the JFKL staff-on-duty the e-ticket on your phone.
ステップ4: E-チケットがE-メールにて送付されます。上映会当日はこちらのチケットを印刷してお持ち下さい。印刷が不可能な場合は、受付係員にチケットが分かる状態の携帯電話などをご提示ください。
- Each person is allowed to register up to TWO pax only (including yourself).
- Each screening has limited seatings. Kindly ensure that you have registered and have received the e-ticket via email.
- Those without an e-ticket will not be permitted entry.
Please send a message to kl_info[at] or call us at 03-2284 6228.
ご不明な点がおありの場合、また、ご自身でのご予約が困難な場合は、当センターまでE-メール あるいは03-2284 6228(日本語可)までお電話にてお気軽にお問い合わせください。
- I have a friend/relative who would like to come along. Should we register separately or can I register for him/her as well?
You are allowed to book a ticket for a maximum of two people under your name. Both of you must be present with an e-ticket on the day of the screening in order to enter the auditorium.
- How about if two or more people wanted to join me?
They would have to register separately.
- Do I need to have an Eventbrite account to register?
No, you don’t have to. Just choose your desired session and fill up the registration form to obtain your e-ticket.
- When is the last day to register?
There is no deadline for registration. Registration will be open till the day of the screening or when all available e-tickets have been redeemed, whichever comes first.
- I have registered and attended the previous screening. Do I still need to register for the next one?
Yes, you must register for each new screening and bring along the relevant e-ticket.
- I registered but just found out that I cannot make it anymore. Can I transfer my ticket to a friend/relative?
Yes, you may but you would need to first inform us via email or phone so that we can change the details in our system.
- How about if I would like to cancel my registration?
Please inform us via email or phone as well. Your e-ticket could go to someone else who may have missed out on a seat!
- I’d like to attend the screening but the e-tickets have all ran out. What should I do?
Please send us an email or give us a call. We will inform you if there are any cancellations one day before the screening. Alternatively, you can walk-in to be added onto a waiting list. Should there be tickets not redeemed, we will call and let you know.
Page last updated: 1 June 2023