2018 Japanese Skit Contest ( EVENT CLOSE )

2018 Japanese Skit Contest ( EVENT CLOSE )

Objective This contest is aimed at improving the communication proficiency of Japanese language learners in Malaysia.

Theme of the Video

‘AI’ | All videos must clearly depict this theme. Contestants are encouraged to use the Japanese language as creatively as possible to get the message across.


This contest is open to all Japanese language learners in Malaysia who are 17 years old and above and currently learning Japanese language either at college, university, preparatory centres, language centres or any educational institutions. The skit must be created by a team of not more than ten (10) members, including both casts and crews. For more information, please download and read the rules &regulations below.

Past results can be viewed >>HERE<<.

What’s New Information & Downloads
Call for Participants 1 Mar 2018 (Deadline: Oct 31,2018) (1) Read the>>FLYER<<
(2) Read the >>RULES & REGULATIONS<<
(3)Upload your skit video to>>YOUTUBE<<
(4)Set your video to >>UNLISTED<<
Prizes & Sponsors 7 Mar 2018 11 Apr 2018

Judge Screening Everyone is welcome to join the 2018 Skit Contest Zoom Live Session on November 24th, 2018 (Saturday) You are required to download the ZOOM application on your laptop, smartphone, tablet etc. in order for you to join in the live session through the following link;https://zoom.us/j/358161504

Programme: 10:00 am Live Streaming
11:30 am Judgement Screening Session
12.00 pm Result Announcement


1st Prize:

One day life of AI student in UTHM”
AI UTHM Team (Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia)
Stream Here

2nd Prize:

Encounter with Kappa ”
Kappa Team (Perak Malaysian-Japanese Friendship Society)
Stream Here

3rd Prize:

Nanolife ”
UMK JC Team (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan)
Stream Here

4th Prize:

” AIとあってから
After Meeting AI ”
IPGKBA Japanese Language Society Team
(Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Bahasa Antarabangsa)
Stream Here

5th Prize:

Human-AI Interaction”
Mecha Chronicles Team (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin)
Stream Here

6th Prize:

Virtual Reality in Reality Life ”
Yumezora Team (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin )
Stream Here

Finalist Teams 2018 Japanese Skit Contest

Should you have any question, please contact: nihongo@jfkl.org.my

For the 2017 Japanese Skit Contest details, please click here.