◇ セミナータイトル・Seminar Title:
漢字学習方法にバリエーションはありますか? ー明日から始められる教室活動ー
Discovering the variation of methods in learning Kanji: The ready-to-use classroom activities
◇ セミナーについて・About the Seminar
Date & Time | 5 March 2022 (Sat) 09:00-12:00 (Malaysia Time) Lecture 13:30-15:30 (Malayisa Time) Workshop |
Platform | Online via ZOOM |
Participation Fee | FREE |
Target Participant | Japanese language teachers & those involved in the field of Japanese Language Education in South-East Asian Countries ※This seminar will be conducted in Japanese (recommended for the holders of JLPT N3 and above) |
日本語版:Click Here English Version: Click Here |
Registration Form | https://forms.gle/UjFMheTMHoivbJdg8 (Registration period: 19 Jan – 24 Feb) |