For Teachers
2021/2022 Malaysia Japanese Language Education Seminar (MJLES)

2021/2022 Malaysia Japanese Language Education Seminar (MJLES)

◇ セミナータイトル・Seminar Title:

漢字学習方法にバリエーションはありますか? ー明日から始められる教室活動ー
Discovering the variation of methods in learning Kanji: The ready-to-use classroom activities


◇ セミナーについて・About the Seminar

Date & Time 5 March 2022 (Sat)
09:00-12:00 (Malaysia Time)  Lecture
13:30-15:30 (Malayisa Time)  Workshop
Platform  Online via ZOOM
Participation Fee  FREE
Target Participant Japanese language teachers & those involved in the field of Japanese Language Education in South-East Asian Countries
※This seminar will be conducted in Japanese (recommended for the holders of JLPT N3 and above)
 日本語版:Click Here
English Version: Click Here
Registration Form
(Registration period: 19 Jan – 24 Feb)

◇ セミナー概要・Seminar Outline:

<講演> みなさんは漢字をどのように学びましたか。どのように教えていますか。漢字の学び方や教え方にはどのくらいの種類があるでしょうか。本セミナーでは、まず、学習者が漢字をどのように学んでいるのか、漢字学習にどのような思いを抱いているのかをお話しします。また、先生方がどのような方法で漢字を教えているのかについても共有したうえで、さまざまな教室活動を提案します。

<Lecture> How did you learn Kanji? How do you teach Kanji? How many different ways are there to learn/teach Kanji? In this seminar, the speaker will first talk about how do learners learn Kanji and what do they think about Kanji learning. On top of sharing the various methods used by some teachers in teaching Kanji, the speaker will also propose various related classroom activities.

<ワークショップ> 教室活動の例を見ながら、翌日から始められる教室活動はないか検討していきます。なお、筆ペンやカラーペン、色鉛筆を持っている方は、ご用意ください(もちろんお持ちでなくても参加可能です)。

<Workshop> By looking at some examples of classroom activities, we will discuss and discover the classroom activities which we could start using as soon as tomorrow. Although it is not mandatory, it would be great if you could have the brush pen, colour pen, or colour pencil with you as we will be using them in the workshop.

◇ 講師・The Speaker


Dr. HAMAKAWA Yukiyo specialized in Kanji teaching and learning in the field of Japanese Language Education. She obtained her PhD from Saitama University. She is also interested in the field of autonomous learning, teacher education and teacher’s mental health. She is the founder and representative of the “Japanese as Second Language (JSL) Kanji Study Group”, founded in 2004 and “Mental Health Study Group for Teachers and Staff Involved in Japanese Language Education”, founded in 2018. She is currently teaching Japanese mainly to international students at Center for Japanese Language, Waseda University.

◇ 講師ご著書・Books Written by the Speaker


・『日本語教師のための実践・漢字指導』 (編著,くろしお出版 2010)
・『国際交流基金日本語教授法シリーズ 第3巻 文字・語彙を教える』 (共著,ひつじ書房 2011)
・『超基礎・日本語教育のための日本語学』(共著,くろしお出版 2021)