What is TADOKU? / 日本語多読とは
TADOKU is a reading activity whereby one will choose a book from the vast selection of graded reading materials and discover the joy of reading in Japanese. You will be able to deepen your understanding towards Japanese language, culture, society etc. through TADOKU activity. It’s a fun way to learn and totally different from the approaches of intensive reading and reading comprehension.
What do you read for TADOKU? / どんなものを読むか
To be able to enjoy the world of books, it is crucial to start reading from the easier level. All reading materials for TADOKU are levelled from 0 (the easiest level) to 5 (the most difficult level), so that readers can choose their suitable levels.
As the reading materials for TADOKU is readily available at the JFKL library, you can pick some and see how they are.

For teachers who are interested in TADOKU / 日本語多読に関心をお持ちの先生方へ
JFKL provides the following programs to support Japanese language teachers who are interested in TADOKU and would like to expose their students to TADOKU activity.
1) Apply for Sama-Sama TADOKU at JFKL / JFKLのSama-sama TADOKUに申込む
Would you like to bring your students to the JFKL Library for TADOKU activity? By experiencing TADOKU activity together with your students, you will get to know how to conduct TADOKU activity by yourself.
This program is available either in the morning session (from 10:30 to 12:30) or in the afternoon session (from 14:30 to 16:30) from Tuesday through Friday. Please choose the time slot which suits your convenience and apply from the entry form below.
JFKL will work together with you to decide the actual program details for your students. After receiving your application, the person-in-charge will contact you.
2) Borrow reading materials for TADOKU from JFKL / 多読用の読み物を借りる
JFKL is lending out reading materials for TADOKU to the Japanese language teachers who would like to conduct TADOKU activity by themselves at their schools.
3) Make reading materials for TADOKU / 多読用の読み物を作る
Would you like to write reading materials for the TADOKU activity by yourself? Would you like to re-write the original story into easier Japanese so that your students can use it at the TADOKU activity?
Please contact JFKL if you are interested in making reading materials for TADOKU.