Teman Baru

Teman Baru Issue 132

JFKL Bimonthly Newsletter


Teman Baru is JFKL’s only newsletter targeted to everyone. It consists of latest information of the coming events, library new and recommended books in Japanese and in English, report of the past events and many more! Browse online for the latest and past issues.

Teman Baru Issue 18

Teman Baru Issue 17

Teman Baru Issue 16

Teman Baru Issue 15

Teman Baru Issue 14

Teman Baru Issue 13

Teman Baru Issue 12

Teman Baru Issue 11

Teman Baru Issue 10

Teman Baru Issue 9

Teman Baru Issue 8

Teman Baru Issue 7